Who's Who?
Rev Philip Wagstaff
Taking up his appointment in September, in the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic, Rev Philip Wagstaff, it was almost a year before some of got to meet him in person.
I am glad to report that, when we did, we got to like him very well.
With four local churches to look after (and general oversight over several others) we don't see him as often as we would like, but his laid-back style fits perfectly with the Pett way of doing things,

GDPR means that we can no longer show you pictures of our members and office bearers, which is a shame, because we're all really good-looking.
But I can probably get away with showing you a picture of one of our most regular (and most popular) members ... I don't think GDPR relates to dogs. Winnie, as you can see, likes puddles, but she scrubs up well and is always perfectly behaved ... although I suspect that she sometimes nods off during the sermon.
Anyway, to meet Winnie and the other lovely people who make up our church family, just come along and say "Hi", or "Woof", as the case may be.

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© Copyright Pett Methodist Church
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life  (John 3:16)