The Mission of Pett Methodist Chapel and its members is ...

  • To provide a place where all are welcome to worship and experience God's presence
  • To be open to the calling of the Holy Spirit and be willing to explore new ways to share God's love
  • To nurture growth and learning as Christians in ourselves and others

This Mission Statement incorporates ideas from "Our Calling", a resource of the Methodist Church of Great Britain, and seeks to translate those ideas into a brief, yet meaningful, set of aims as a focus for our work and witness in Pett and the surrounding area.
"Our Calling" states that "The calling of the Methodist Church us to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission". It does this through:

  • Worship - The Church exists to increase awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love
  • Learning & Caring - The Church exists to help people to grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care
  • Service - The Church exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice
  • Evangelism - The Church exists to make more followers of Jesus Christ

A more detailed exposition of "Our Calling" and the priorities set out within the document can be found on the national Methodist Church website.

Pett Methodist Chapel is a part of the Hastings, Bexhill & Rye Circuit of the Methodist Church. The Circuit, too, has devised and adopted its own Mission Statement, which reads as follows:

  • Our mission is to offer signs of the Kingdom of God and to encourage our people to develop and use their gifts and exercise their own ministry (Mission Statement of the Methodist Church, Hastings, Bexhill and Rye Circuit)

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© Copyright Pett Methodist Church
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life  (John 3:16)