Other Dates for your Diary

Events at Pett Methodist Chapel unless otherwise stated

Date Event Details
Sunday 2
LOAF First Sunday WalkEnjoy exercise and the company of fellow Christians on this monthly guided walk. £2 minimum donation to current LOAF project.
This month exploring the upper end of Alexandra Park, ending with a cream tea in front of a blazing fire. Meet at the corner of St Helens Road and King Edward Avenue.
Friday 7
CHURCH COUNCIL MEETINGOpen to all members and supporters. At Laura's house.
Saturday 15
10.30 for 11am
Agape MealOtherwise known as a  "bring and share"Methodist Love Feast. At Winchelsea Methodist Chapel.
Wednesday 26
Working PartyA monthly gathering to give the chapel an extra special clean and attend to any small maintenance tasks. 
Sunday 2
LOAF First Sunday WalkEnjoy exercise and the company of fellow Christians on this monthly guided walk. £2 minimum donation to current LOAF project.
This month exploring Three Oaks. Meet at entrance to Southern Water site (just downhill from the station).
Friday 7
Gala Concert
Sussex Brass
St. Matthew's Church, St Leonards-on-Sea. In aid of Hastings Sierra Leone Friendship Link. £10/£5 tickets.
Saturday 8
The Life & Art of Annie SoudainAn afternoon of Questions and Answers with local artist, Annie Soudain. Arranged by ARC.
Sunday 16
Songs Of PraiseAt Wincheslsea Methodist Chapel. Led by Philip Wagstaff with Stephen Page at the keyboard. Hymns may be requested in advance via e-mail.
Wednesday 26
Circuit MeetingAt Little Common Methodist Church.
Wednesday 16
Reflections for Holy WeekAt Winchelsea Methodist Chapel. Led by Rev Jonathan and Dr Julie Todd.
Saturday 17
10am-12 noon
Coffee Morning with Historical PresentationWinchelsea Methodist Chapel.
© Copyright Pett Methodist Church
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life  (John 3:16)